
二、健康饮食的英语短语?相关的:healthy diet (健康饮食)green food(绿色食品),health food(健康食品),genetically modified food(转基因食品)~
三、健康饮食的好处英语作文?as the saying goes,medicine is better than food.
in china,adjusting diet as a means of health preservation and fitness,our ancestors recognized the importance of diet and health preservation as early as more than 2000 years ago.
a healthy diet will not only make people live happily,full of vitality and wisdom,but also meet the nutritional balance and can be fully absorbed by the human body. at the same time,
healthy diet is also conducive to prevent the occurrence of diseases,so as to achieve the purpose of diet health and longevity
《健康的饮食习惯》英语作文:eat healthy
it is very important to eat healthy since what we eat is directly related to our health.
the obesity rate of children and adults has increased dramatically over the past decade and much of it is due to eating unhealthy foods.
junk food like candy,soda and the such are mass-produced with harmful chemicals in them that damages your health after being ingested.
along with obesity and just the simple fact of not eating healthy come many illnesses like diabetes that can shorten life expectancy exponentially.
drinks like soda also eat away at your teeth and is extremely high in sugar,which causes arteries to become blocked.
not eating healthy can also stunt growth and does not leave you with a good form. therefore,if you want to have a longer and healthier life then eating healthy is very crucial.
六、饮食与健康相关的成语?  病从口入   bìng cóng kǒu rù   【解释】疾病多是由食物传染。
比喻应该注意饮食卫生。【出处】晋·傅玄《口铭》:“病从口入,祸从口出。”   【结构】主谓式。【用法】比喻应该注意饮食卫生。一般作分句、宾语、定语。【正音】从;不能读作“chónɡ”。【辨形】入;不能写作“人”。【近义词】病由口入   【例句】~;我们应该谨慎择食;才能保证身体健康。
good health depends on good food,exercise and getting enough sleep. 早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。(美国总统 富兰克林)
early to bed and early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.

十、健康的饮食用英语怎么说?健康的饮食: healthy diet或healthy refrigerator
健康的饮食习惯: healthy eating habit
diet ['daiət]
n. 饮食;食物;规定饮食
vi. 节食
vt. 照规定饮食
[ 过去式dieted 过去分词dieted 现在分词dieting ]

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原文地址: 饮食习惯保持健康的英语句子? 发布于2024-06-15 10:54:50